Christian Worship Centre of Asia
Welcome, we are glad you are here. We are a worship-driven, international church family built on the power of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. Come glorify God through worship, grow in faith, and walk together in the truth of God's word. Whether you’re new to faith or looking for a place to belong, you’ll find a community ready to support, encourage, and journey with you. Our senior pastors, Walter and Baiping Ross, along with Assistant Pastor Justine Chen and the entire CWCA family, are excited to welcome you.
歡迎!我們是CWCA,一個以敬拜為核心驅動力的國際教會家庭,建立在神的話語和聖靈的能力上。來與我們一同通過敬拜榮耀神,在信心中成長,並在神話語的真理中同行。不論您是剛開始接觸信仰或者正在尋找一個屬於自己的家,這裡有一個準備好支持、鼓勵並與您同行的家。我們的主任牧師瓦特和白萍羅斯 牧師,還有助理牧師陳首憲,以及整個CWCA大家庭,期待熱情地歡迎您。
Weekly minitries 週間事工
Tuesday online morning prayer
06:30 AM
Thursday Online Bible Study
08:00 PM